LABUST has taken part in many scientific research projects relating to underwater systems and technologies in various roles. This includes numerous international (FP7, H2020, ONRG, INTERREG,...) as well as national projects.
On 19 to 24 March, in Bucharest, Romania, LABUST was represented the European Robotics Forum 2019 as part of the brand, which includes three robotics laboratories from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing: LARICS, LABUST and LAMOR. LARICS members went to Romania to represent all three laboratories and they brought some LABUST robots with them. Read more about it in the detailed news.
The booth, where visitors could learn more about the three laboratories and talk about their work, featured some of the laboratories' robots representative of their work: the MORUS unmanned aerial vehicle, LABUST's aPad and two aMussels, a Pioneer mobile robot and a Coptervorx drone.
You can see a some photos from the event by following this link.