EUROFLEETS2 aimed at developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with the common strategic vision and coordinated access to Research Vessels and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 undertook specific actions to consolidate research fleets’ organization, methodology and tools through operational initiatives (like virtual fleets) leading to more interoperable and cost-effective European research fleets.
1. Excellence
This flagship project addresses the following topics of proven scientific excellence:
- Completion of strategic perspectives for the European research fleets with a polar component
- Promotion of exchanges of the European fleets' on-board mobile equipment to foster interoperability
- Enhancing the impact of research fleets on innovation by fostering the involvement of industry in specific activities
- Development of new training actions including a pilot floating university
2. Impact
Sustainable consolidation of a coordinated strategic vision of European Research Vessels initiated in EUROFLEETS1, to establish the basis of a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of the new Regional Vessels.
3. Implementation - goals and achievements
LABUST participated in developing automated terrain tracking algorithms, which will ensure precise terrain or under-ice terrain following in the presence of external disturbances. Close to the desired target, a vehicle performs dynamic positioning in order to compensate for external disturbance and station-keep above (or below) the area of interest. In order to successfully perform both terrain following and dynamic positioning, parameters of the mathematical model of the vehicle have to be identified. The novel fast identification method was implemented to determine parameters of all the controllable degrees of freedom of the vehicle.
Project experiments in Lora Navy base in Split from June 23rd until July 6th, 2014