Project name: Sailing into STEAM
Funding: Erasmus+ – Mala partnerstva u području sporta
Start and end date: 01/11/2023-31/10/2025
Project coordinator: Sailing club Zemun
Partners: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, EdUman - Educational Management and EcoHub
About the project:
Sailing into Steam is the project that aims to revolutionize STEAM education in the region by proposing sport-relatedcourse as an educational platform. This innovative approach has the potential to inspire interdisciplinary learning thatcombines physical activity with intellectual exploration. The main goal of the project is creation of a novel sailing coursethrough which sailing sport will be shown as the perfect platform for acquiring informal knowledge in the field ofSTEAM and will serve as a valuable connection between schools' standard education and a physically active lifestyle.Course objectives:-Identifying the needs for developing of the novel sailing educational courses and its benefits;-SailingIntoSTEAM course methodology development and generation of course materials;-Developing sustainability guides and securing its usage in all aspects of project;-Planning, implementation and evaluation of Pilot SailingIntoSTEAM course;-Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation outside of the Consortium.Main activities: Designing a new Sail into STEAM course methodology, Collaborating with local schools and sailingclubs, Developing course documentation, Developing sustainability guides, Creating an inclusive learning community,Implementing and testing the course curriculum, Dissemination of the project results.Four main target groups: sailing athletes (~100) and staff (coaches, club managers) (~40), elementary school children(~200) and teachers (~50).Partner organizations as beneficiaries.Expected results: Development and wide availability of SailIntoSTEAM Course methodology, Publishment of coursedocumentation, Creation of STEAM savvy-sailors and educators community; Developing and strengthening the bondsbetween schools and sailing clubs.Outputs: Course website, Teacher's guide for implementing SailingIntoSTEAM course, Students guide forSailingIntoSTEAM course, Sustainability guide for schools and clubs implementing SailingIntoSTEAM course.