Name: Feasibility study for Croatian robotics digital innovation hub
Funding scheme: Horizon 2020, CSA - Coordination and support action and IA - Innovation Action: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
Total budget: 49.350 EUR
Total budget for UNIZG-FER: 10.000 EUR
Start: 01/10/2016
Duration: 6 months
Coordinator: Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla (ICENT)
UNIZG-FER status: partner
Abstract :
The overall objective of the CROBOHUB is to make a significant contribution to development of high-tech industry in Croatia in a short term and in the Western Balkans in a long term through strong existing research foundation and development of innovation.
The CROBOHUB's direct impact is seen in the creation of an arena for collaboration that would increase automation maturity and awareness through:
- improved communication between research institutions and the business sector and other stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem,
- enhanced technology transfer,
- created regional innovation robotic ecosystem.
In order to prove feasibility of such a hub there is a need to develop a CROBOHUB feasibility study and its business plan.