Name: Marine Robots for better Sea Knowledge awareness
Acronym: MASK
Funding: Erasmus + KA2
Grant Agreement Number: 2022-1-HR01-KA210-SCH-000082831
Start and end date: 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2024
Coordinator: University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, LABUST
Partners: Jacobs University, Secondary school Bedekovčina, University of Rijeka, Europaschule school center SII Utbremen
Web page:
This cooperation partnership focuses on the teaching, learning, and training of late high school students and their teachers in the area of marine robotics and artificial intelligence applied to environmental monitoring and protection and giving special attention to the possibilities introduced by remote access to infrastructures (telerobotics). In particular, the project:
- Objective 1: will encourage interest in both students and teachers towards robotics, artificial intelligence, and STEM in general, by stimulating students to work in STEM-related projects and use marine robots;
- Objective 2: will engage and keep students motivated, with the goals of a) contributing to a decrease in dropout rates and b) encourage a STEM career for every student, with particular attention to underrepresented groups.
- Objective 3: will increase the digital competences and skills of both students and teachers, with an emphasis on applications in new technologies, robotics and artificial intelligence;
- Objective 4: will exploit the possibilities introduced by remote access/remote learning to provide high quality lectures by university experts and perform remote robotic trials contributing to sustainable development and avoiding unnecessary travels.
- Objective 5: will raise awareness about climate change and environmental protection and mitigation, using marine robotics as an application field, in particular applied to detection, recognition and removal of seabed litter.
The most tangible result will be a new course tailored for high school students on the use of marine robots for environmental applications. Moreover, the project is expected to achieve a wider awareness on environmental issues that can be tackled by marine robots; a higher number of students attracted to STEM; an increased use of remote learning technologies; more similar cooperation and exchange initiatives.
Objectives 1 and 2 are directly connected to the sectorial priority “Promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach” as the project aims to raise the interest in students for STEM through a combination of theoretical and hands-on activities.
Objectives 3 and 4 are directly connected to the horizontal priority “Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity” by introducing new technologies to both teachers and students and promoting the use of remote learning not only for theoretical content but also for hands-on activities.
Finally, Objective 3 and 5 is directly connected to the horizontal priority “Environment and fight against climate change” as we will use marine robotics as a tool to raise awareness about climate change and environmental protection and mitigation, in particular about the anthropogenic pollution effects in the seas, both in the teachers and students from the organisations involved and outside the partnership, in order to educate and mobilise youngsters.