Ivan Lončar, mag. ing.
Researcher, PhD student
Office: C09-18-2
Telephone: + 385 1 6129-815
Email: ivan.loncar@fer.hr
Ivan Lončar received an MSc in Control Engineering and Automatization from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing – UNIZG FER in Zagreb (Croatia) in 2016. Even before graduation, he started working in Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies – LABUST at UNIZG FER. As of 2017, Ivan is pursuing a PhD in Marine Robotics, specifically in Underwater Localization.
During his time in the laboratory, he was involved in multiple research projects including ONR NICOP Advancing Diver-Robot Interaction Capabilities - ADRIATIC, H2020 Submarine Cultures Perform Long-term Robotic Exploration of Unconventional Environmental Niches – subCULTron, H2020 Excelling LABUST in marine robotics - EXCELLABUST, and nationally funded HRZZ project Cooperative robotics in marine monitoring and exploration – CroMarX. He is the Treasurer of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Student Branch Chapter of the University of Zagreb.