LABUST has taken part in many scientific research projects relating to underwater systems and technologies in various roles. This includes numerous international (FP7, H2020, ONRG, INTERREG,...) as well as national projects.
The General Assembly of the H2020 “EUMarineRobots” project took place in Toulon (France) on May 14. The meeting was organized by project partner IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer). The partners discussed the current status of the project and assessed the progress of the work that has been carried out so far and will be in the future. During the meeting, the 2nd TNA call for proposals was open for public. Trans-National Access (TNA) is one of the main project activities that provides access to the partner’s facilities for external users through a TNA calls. The meeting was attended by LABUST members Đula Nađ and Antonio Vasilijević.