Oceans 2023 Limerick

During 5-8 June LABUST participated in the OCEANS 2023 Limerick conference with several different activities. More than 10 members of LABUST were in Limerick to present their work, connect with the community, and learn about new academic achievements in the field. We had multiple activities which include tutorials, 3 papers, and a booth presenting the collaboration with the University of Montenegro in the scope of the MONUSEN project.

Our members Ivan Lončar, Natko Kraševac, Fausto Ferreira, and Juraj Obradović conducted a tutorial titled MARUS - Unity Based Simulator for Marine Robotics. During this tutorial participants learned how to use MARUS simulator which was fully developed in LABUST and is finding many implementations in the academy and industry. Additionally, we conducted a citizen science experiment in which we compared the performance of participants to the previously developed algorithm in following COLREG rules. The same citizen science experiment was conducted in the MONUSEN booth. During the conference the startup company H2O Robotics which originated from LABUST had a booth where they presented their technologies to the community.

In the session Maritime Vehicle Navigation 1 our member Vladimir Slošić had a presentation for his paper titled "Underwater breadcrumb localization". In the session Pollution Monitoring our members Anja Babić and Nadir Kapetanović had a presentation for their paper titled "Cooperative marine litter detection and environmental monitoring using heterogeneous robotic agents". Additionally, Anja Babić chaired this session. In session Maritime Vehicle Navigation 2 our member Juraj Obradović had a presentation for the paper titled "Navigation, Guidance and Control of a catamaran robust to external disturbances".

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