LABUST has taken part in many scientific research projects relating to underwater systems and technologies in various roles. This includes numerous international (FP7, H2020, ONRG, INTERREG,...) as well as national projects.
As part of the UWIN-LABUST project, the Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies in collaboration with the IEEE Croatia Section - Robotics and Automation Chapter, the IEEE OES University of Zagreb Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Life Member Affinity Group - Croatia is happy to invite you to the lecture
"Communicating and raising awareness about Underwater Natural and Cultural Heritage"
held by assoc. prof. dr. Fabio Bruno, Department of Mechanical, Energetics and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria (UNICAL), Arcavacata di Rende, Italy. The lecture will take place on Tuesday June 27th, 2023 at 10:00 in the Grey Hall at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). The lecture is in English and is open to all interested participants.
The lecturer’s CV and the summary of the lecture can be found below.
The talk will focus on novel approaches and technologies addressed to create user experiences focused on the communication and dissemination of Underwater Natural and Cultural Heritage. The primary goal of these experiences is to raise the public awareness about the need to preserve our oceans and the related cultural assets for the future generations. In particular, the results and the progresses of some recent research conducted at University of Calabria and 3D Research will be presented.
Brief bio:
Fabio Bruno is Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical, Energetics and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria (UNICAL) where he teaches “Rapid Prototyping” and “Virtual and Augmented Reality”. He is cofounder and President at 3D Research s.r.l. a spin-off Company specialized in the development of eXtended Reality technologies with a focus on marine applications. His research interests include the development of robotic and digital technologies for the documentation, preservation and dissemination of underwater cultural and natural heritage. He is the scientific coordinator of 3 EU funded projects: INTERREG MED, H2020-MSCA TECTONIC (, Creative Europe CREAMARE ( and ART4SEA ( He has coordinated various projects like: Interreg Med BLUEMED PLUS ( and VISAS ( He had leading roles in many other EU projects like H2020 – iMARECULTURE (, H2020-ECSEL-JU INSECTT (, CREA CROSS SECT INNOVLAB - MAREBOX (, EASME/EMFF Lab4Dive and DiveSafe ”(, EASME MeDryDive ( He co-autored more than 160 research papers.