LABUST members present and win awards...

From the 15th to 19th April 2024, several LABUST members actively participated in the OCEANS 2024 Singapore organized by the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and the Marine Technology Society.  Namely, on 15th April, Prof. Roee Diamant, ERA Chair, delivered the tutorial Detection of    Underwater Acoustic Signals - Theory and Techniques and mag. ing. Luka Mandić presented the tutorial Data meets Model Predictive Control: From classical MPC to an online adaptive direct data-driven navigation and control of autonomous vessels. In addition, Assist. Prof. Fausto Ferreira  presented three articles: one related to the uBlueTec project, one related to an ROV simulator  and one dealing with boat detection and classification using machine learning. Dr. Anja Babić presented the SOUND project and Prof. Nikola Mišković, head of  LABUST presented the SeaTecHub project. Finally, Assist. Prof. Fausto Ferreira received the 2023 IEEE OES Distinguished Service Award.

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