LABUST has taken part in many scientific research projects relating to underwater systems and technologies in various roles. This includes numerous international (FP7, H2020, ONRG, INTERREG,...) as well as national projects.
In the framework of InnovaMare education module, University of Trieste (UniTS) is organizing an online three-days “Train the Trainers” to be held from 6-8 of April 2021. The training is focused on open innovation strategies and management.
The lectures will be given by two experts - Nicola Redi and Alberto Di Minin. Nicola Redi has a 20+ years of experience in translating innovations into the market through venture capital investments and corporate R&D responsibilities. He is currently managing the first ever technology transfer fund focused on Industry 4.0 technologies. Alberto di Minni is Full Professor of Strategy at the Institute of Management - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, and Research Fellow with the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE, University of California Berkeley).
Detailed agenda available here: Train the Trainers.